We are here to prepare you for the exciting adventures of pregnancy, childbirth and parenting, and we invite you to take part in our wide variety of childbirth education classes. Classes are open to all prospective parents, whether or not you plan to give birth at Manchester Memorial Hospital. All instructors are certified in their specialties.
For additional information or to register over the phone, call 860.647.4790.
Get off to a good start with breastfeeding and learn what to expect in the first few weeks.
Wednesday, December 4
6 – 8:30 p.m.
Manchester Memorial Hospital
$35 per couple
Pre-registration is required.
Learn the essentials for labor, birth, breastfeeding, postpartum and baby care.
Friday, Dec. 6, Saturday, Dec. 7 & Wednesdays, Dec. 4 – Dec. 18
Friday 6 – 9 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. & Wednesdays 6 – 8:30 p.m.
Manchester Memorial Hospital
$155 per couple
Pre-registration is required.
Family Birthing Center tour is included.
Learn the essentials for labor and birth in just one weekend.
Friday, December 6 & Saturday, December 7
Friday 6 – 9 p.m. & Saturday 10 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Manchester Memorial Hospital
$100 per couple
Pre-registration is required.
Family Birthing Center tour is included.
Learn how to navigate your first few weeks at home with your newborn as you recover from labor and birth. Hands-on instruction will be provided for diapering, swaddling, bathing, postpartum self-care and adjustment to make a smoother transition to parenthood.
Wednesdays, December 11 & December 18
6 – 8:30 p.m.
Manchester Memorial Hospital
$45 per couple
Pre-registration is required.
Learn what is new with birthing practices, baby care, infant feeding and safety, plus practical tips on how to best support the new family.
Wednesday, December 11
6 – 8:30 p.m.
Virtual Class (Zoom)
$30 per couple
Pre-registration is required.
Learn what is new with birthing practices, baby care, infant feeding and safety, plus practical tips on how to best support the new family.
Wednesday, December 11
6 – 8:30 p.m.
Virtual Class (Zoom)
$20 per person
Pre-registration is required.
Learn the essentials for labor, birth, breastfeeding, postpartum and baby care in six weeks.
Thursdays, December 5 – January 9
6 – 8:30 p.m.
Manchester Memorial Hospital
$155 per couple
Pre-registration is required.
Family Birthing Center tour is included.
Class meets Thursdays morning from January 2 - 16 This program provides an opportunity for mom and baby to deepen their bond and develop relaxation skills that will last a lifetime! A variety of ha...
Thursday, January 2
10:00am - 10:00am
Manchester Memorial Hospital
A one hour program for children ages 2 - 10 whose parents are expecting another baby. This class helps older children understand their roles as big brothers and big sisters and gets them familiar with...
Friday, January 3
6:00pm - 7:00pm
Manchester Memorial Hospital
Class runs every Monday from January 6 - February 10, 2025 This Class covers all the essentials for preparing for the labor and birth of your baby in six weeks. Topics include: stages of labor, rel...
Monday, January 6
6:00pm - 8:30pm
Manchester Memorial Hospital
This 8 week session runs from Tuesday, January 7 - February 25 The Bradley Method® teaches natural childbirth and views birth as a natural process. The focus and belief is that most women with pro...
Tuesday, January 7
6:00pm - 8:30pm
Manchester Memorial Hospital, Conference Room E/F
Class runs every Tuesday virtually via Zoom from January 14 - February 18 This Class covers all the essentials for preparing for the labor and birth of your baby in six weeks. Topics include: stages ...
Tuesday, January 14
6:00pm - 8:30pm
Virtual Via Zoom
Learn about the many benefits of newborn massage as well as infant cues, newborn behavioral states, reflexes and massage techniques you can use with your baby as soon as they are born. Newborn mass...
Thursday, January 16
6:00pm - 7:30pm
Manchester Memorial Hospital
This class gives expectant grandparents the opportunity to learn how to best support the new family. Talk with other grandparents about your expectations, joys and concerns. Learn what has changed and...
Thursday, January 16
6:00pm - 8:30pm
Virtual Event
This class gives expectant grandparents the opportunity to learn how to best support the new family. Talk with other grandparents about your expectations, joys and concerns. Learn what has changed and...
Thursday, January 16
6:00pm - 8:30pm
Virtual Event
Class meets Friday 1/17/25 from 6:00 - 9:00 pm and Saturday 1/18/25 from 9:30 am - 3:00 pm Designed for expectant parents with tight schedules. This two-session series of classes includes all the v...
Friday, January 17
6:00pm - 9:00pm
Manchester Memorial Hospital
Includes the following classes: 1. Weekend Childbirth Education – Just Labor and Birth Friday 1/17/25 from 6:00 - 9:00 pm and Saturday 1/18/25 from 9:30 - 3:00 pm. Designed for expectant parents...
Friday, January 17
6:00pm - 9:00pm
Manchester Memorial Hospital
Class runs every Tuesday from January 21 - February 25, 2025 This Class covers all the essentials for preparing for the labor and birth of your baby in six weeks. Topics include: stages of labor, r...
Tuesday, January 21
6:00pm - 8:30pm
Manchester Memorial Hospital
This class explains the advantages of nursing, breastfeeding techniques and positions, breast milk expression and storage, ways to prevent common problems, handling the first few weeks at home and mor...
Wednesday, January 22
6:00pm - 8:30pm
Manchester Memorial Hospital
This is a two week series: Wednesdays 1/29/25 & 2/12/25 from 6:00 - 8:30 pm For expectant parents who wish that babies came with an owner’s manual, this class covers diapering, bathing, cryin...
Wednesday, January 29
6:00pm - 8:30pm
Manchester Memorial Hospital
Class runs every Thursday from January 30 - March 6, 2025 This Class covers all the essentials for preparing for the labor and birth of your baby in six weeks. Topics include: stages of labor, rela...
Thursday, January 30
6:00pm - 8:30pm
Manchester Memorial Hospital
A one hour program for children ages 2 - 10 whose parents are expecting another baby. This class helps older children understand their roles as big brothers and big sisters and gets them familiar with...
Saturday, February 15
10:00am - 11:00am
Manchester Memorial Hospital
Class meets Friday 2/21/25 from 6:00 - 9:00 pm and Saturday 2/22/25 from 9:30 am - 3:00 pm Designed for expectant parents with tight schedules. This two-session series of classes includes all the v...
Friday, February 21
6:00pm - 9:00pm
Manchester Memorial Hospital
Includes the following classes: 1. Weekend Childbirth Education – Just Labor and Birth Friday 2/21/25 from 6:00 - 9:00 pm and Saturday 2/22/25 from 9:30 - 3:00 pm. Designed for expectant parents...
Friday, February 21
6:00pm - 9:00pm
Manchester Memorial Hospital
Class runs every Monday from February 24 - March 31, 2025 This Class covers all the essentials for preparing for the labor and birth of your baby in six weeks. Topics include: stages of labor, rela...
Monday, February 24
6:00pm - 8:30pm
Manchester Memorial Hospital
This class gives expectant grandparents the opportunity to learn how to best support the new family. Talk with other grandparents about your expectations, joys and concerns. Learn what has changed and...
Thursday, February 27
6:00pm - 8:30pm
Virtual Event
This class gives expectant grandparents the opportunity to learn how to best support the new family. Talk with other grandparents about your expectations, joys and concerns. Learn what has changed and...
Thursday, February 27
6:00pm - 8:30pm
Virtual Event
This class explains the advantages of nursing, breastfeeding techniques and positions, breast milk expression and storage, ways to prevent common problems, handling the first few weeks at home and mor...
Friday, February 28
6:00pm - 8:30pm
Manchester Memorial Hospital
Saturday March 1 9:30 am - 3:00 pm (Lunch break from 12:00 - 12:30) For expectant parents who wish that babies came with an owner’s manual, this class covers diapering, bathing, crying, safety an...
Saturday, March 1
9:30am - 3:00pm
Manchester Memorial Hospital
This is an interactive class specifically designed for couples who have had a baby before or have taken the Understanding Birth eClass. Perfect for VBAC couples too! The class gives couples a hands-o...
Tuesday, March 4
7:00pm - 8:30pm
Manchester Memorial Hospital
Class meets Wednesdays morning from March 5 - 19, 2025 This program provides an opportunity for mom and baby to deepen their bond and develop relaxation skills that will last a lifetime! A variety ...
Wednesday, March 5
10:00am - 11:15am
Manchester Memorial Hospital
This 8 week session runs from Every Other Friday March 7 - May 16 (exception 4/18 session on Tuesday 4/22) The Bradley Method® teaches natural childbirth and views birth as a natural process. The ...
Friday, March 7
6:00pm - 8:30pm
Manchester Memorial Hospital, Conference Room E/F
Class runs every Thursday virtually via Zoom from March 13 - April 17 This Class covers all the essentials for preparing for the labor and birth of your baby in six weeks. Topics include: stages of...
Thursday, March 13
6:00pm - 8:30pm
Virtual Via Zoom
Class runs every Tuesday from March 18 - April 14, 2025 This Class covers all the essentials for preparing for the labor and birth of your baby in six weeks. Topics include: stages of labor, relaxa...
Tuesday, March 18
6:00pm - 8:30pm
Manchester Memorial Hospital
Class meets Friday 3/28/25 from 6:00 - 9:00 pm and Saturday 3/29/25 from 9:30 am - 3:00 pm Designed for expectant parents with tight schedules. This two-session series of classes includes all the v...
Friday, March 28
6:00pm - 9:00pm
Manchester Memorial Hospital
Includes the following classes: 1. Weekend Childbirth Education – Just Labor and Birth Friday 3/28/25 from 6:00 - 9:00 pm and Saturday 3/29/25 from 9:30 - 3:00 pm. Designed for expectant parents...
Friday, March 28
6:00pm - 9:00pm
Manchester Memorial Hospital
This class explains the advantages of nursing, breastfeeding techniques and positions, breast milk expression and storage, ways to prevent common problems, handling the first few weeks at home and mor...
Wednesday, April 2
6:00pm - 8:30pm
Manchester Memorial Hospital
Class runs every Thursday from April 3 - May 8, 2025 This Class covers all the essentials for preparing for the labor and birth of your baby in six weeks. Topics include: stages of labor, relaxatio...
Thursday, April 3
6:00pm - 8:30pm
Manchester Memorial Hospital
This is a two week series: Wednesdays 4/9/25 & 4/16/25 from 6:00 - 8:30 pm For expectant parents who wish that babies came with an owner’s manual, this class covers diapering, bathing, crying...
Wednesday, April 9
6:00pm - 8:30pm
Manchester Memorial Hospital
This class gives expectant grandparents the opportunity to learn how to best support the new family. Talk with other grandparents about your expectations, joys and concerns. Learn what has changed and...
Thursday, April 10
6:00pm - 8:30pm
Virtual Event
This class gives expectant grandparents the opportunity to learn how to best support the new family. Talk with other grandparents about your expectations, joys and concerns. Learn what has changed and...
Thursday, April 10
6:00pm - 8:30pm
Virtual Event
Class runs every Monday from April 14 - May 19, 2025 This Class covers all the essentials for preparing for the labor and birth of your baby in six weeks. Topics include: stages of labor, relaxatio...
Monday, April 14
6:00pm - 8:30pm
Manchester Memorial Hospital
Includes the following classes: 1. Weekend Childbirth Education – Just Labor and Birth Friday 4/25/25 from 6:00 - 9:00 pm and Saturday 4/26/25 from 9:30 - 3:00 pm. Designed for expectant parents...
Friday, April 25
6:00pm - 9:00pm
Manchester Memorial Hospital
Class meets Friday 4/25/25 from 6:00 - 9:00 pm and Saturday 4/26/25 from 9:30 am - 3:00 pm Designed for expectant parents with tight schedules. This two-session series of classes includes all the v...
Friday, April 25
6:00pm - 9:00pm
Manchester Memorial Hospital
Learn about the many benefits of newborn massage as well as infant cues, newborn behavioral states, reflexes and massage techniques you can use with your baby as soon as they are born. Newborn mass...
Wednesday, April 30
6:00pm - 7:30pm
Manchester Memorial Hospital
This class explains the advantages of nursing, breastfeeding techniques and positions, breast milk expression and storage, ways to prevent common problems, handling the first few weeks at home and mor...
Friday, May 2
6:00pm - 8:30pm
Manchester Memorial Hospital
Saturday May 3 9:30 am - 3:00 pm (Lunch break from 12:00 - 12:30) For expectant parents who wish that babies came with an owner’s manual, this class covers diapering, bathing, crying, safety and ...
Saturday, May 3
9:30am - 3:00pm
Manchester Memorial Hospital
This is an interactive class specifically designed for couples who have had a baby before or have taken the Understanding Birth eClass. Perfect for VBAC couples too! The class gives couples a hands-o...
Tuesday, May 6
7:00pm - 8:30pm
Manchester Memorial Hospital
Class runs every Wednesday virtually via Zoom from May 7 - June 11 This Class covers all the essentials for preparing for the labor and birth of your baby in six weeks. Topics include: stages of la...
Wednesday, May 7
6:00pm - 8:30pm
Virtual Via Zoom
Class runs every Tuesday from May 13 - June 17, 2025 This Class covers all the essentials for preparing for the labor and birth of your baby in six weeks. Topics include: stages of labor, relaxatio...
Tuesday, May 13
6:00pm - 8:30pm
Manchester Memorial Hospital
Class meets Wednesdays morning from May 21 - June 4, 2025 This program provides an opportunity for mom and baby to deepen their bond and develop relaxation skills that will last a lifetime! A varie...
Wednesday, May 21
10:00am - 11:15am
Manchester Memorial Hospital
Includes the following classes: 1. Weekend Childbirth Education – Just Labor and Birth Friday 5/30/25 from 6:00 - 9:00 pm and Saturday 5/31/25 from 9:30 - 3:00 pm. Designed for expectant parents...
Friday, May 30
6:00pm - 9:00pm
Manchester Memorial Hospital
This class explains the advantages of nursing, breastfeeding techniques and positions, breast milk expression and storage, ways to prevent common problems, handling the first few weeks at home and mor...
Wednesday, June 11
6:00pm - 8:30pm
Manchester Memorial Hospital
This is a two week series: Wednesdays 6/18/25 & 6/25/25 from 6:00 - 8:30 pm For expectant parents who wish that babies came with an owner’s manual, this class covers diapering, bathing, cryin...
Wednesday, June 18
6:00pm - 8:30pm
Manchester Memorial Hospital
Here’s the solution for parents who want the information but can’t fit the classes into their schedules or for moms on bed rest. These self-paced online classes will cover all the vital components of labor and birth from any device. Class includes evidence-based material, videos, animation, quizzes and fun activities. The program also includes an “Ask the Educator” feature with one of the Childbirth Educators from Manchester Hospital.
$100 for 9-month access
Call 860.647.4790 for more information or to register.
We offer in-person tours of the Family Birthing Center once a month to help expectant parents become familiar with our facility.
Wednesday, September 18
Saturday, October 19
Thursday, November 14
Tuesday, December 17
Manchester Memorial Hospital
Pre-registration is required.
The Maternity Care & Family Planning Center at Rockville General Hospital provides prenatal and postpartum care for women who are uninsured and insured. Women who receive prenatal care through the Center have access to ultrasounds and laboratory services, as well as gynecological services including physical examinations, sexually transmitted infection testing, pregnancy testing, disease prevention, health promotion and maintenance and family planning services. Patients receiving care through the Center will receive one-on-one care from a doctor or nurse. The Center’s staff works closely with the staff of the Family Birthing Center at Manchester Memorial Hospital to ensure a seamless transition of care for prenatal patients as they prepare for birth. Assistance is offered to help anyone enroll in Husky medical insurance plans. Private payers are also welcome.
For more information, call 860.872.5170 Monday, Wednesday or Friday 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
The Family Development Center is operating in-person and is providing virtual services as needed to the families enrolled in our programs. We are offering home visits, telephone support for families, playgroups, storytime, and parent workshops. The programs connect families to community resources such as diaper banks, food pantries, rental assistance, utility assistance, and mental health services.
The following grant-funded programs are offered through ECHN’s Family Development Center.
This is a home visiting program that serves low-income families and children from birth to age three, pregnant women and their partners residing in Manchester or Vernon. A Parents as Teachers (PAT) certified Parent Educator provides parent education, child development information, developmental screenings, disability, nutritional and behavioral health services, field trips, playgroups and parent leadership opportunities.
Weekly home visits, literacy-based playgroups, parent support groups and nutrition classes are offered with a focus on school readiness and helping families achieve their goals.
For more information and/or to enroll:
This program serves children from birth to six years old, pregnant women and their partners. Parent Educators offer home visitation, parent education, parent-child group experiences, playgroups and development screening referrals to community resources, social emotional support and a fatherhood program to support dads/male partners. All components of the program are being offered in-person including weekly playgroups and weekly home visits.
For more information and/or to enroll:
ATTENTION all fathers, uncles, grandfathers, father figures and male role models: Please consider joining our Fatherhood Parenting Groups and Platforms. We will connect, learn, motivate, and encourage each other in one-on-one or group interactions both virtually and in-person.
To learn more, contact Kwasi Ntem-Mensah:
The Vernon Family Resource Center (FRC) serves children and families in the Vernon community. The FRC offers education and support services for the entire family. Services include home visiting, parent-child playgroups, positive youth development, parenting education, support for family childcare providers, resources and referrals to community services, adult education, preschool care and after-school care.
Laugh & Learn Playgroups for Vernon residents and their children ages 12 months – 5 years old. Family Child Care Providers are also welcome and encouraged to attend with the children in their care. Playgroups run in six-week sessions and are hosted in partnership with the Vernon Family School Community Partnerships office. Pre-registration is required.
For more information, to access program schedules, locations and/or to enroll:
This program offers education and support services for the entire family. Services include home visiting, parent/child playgroups, positive youth development, parenting education, support for family childcare providers, resources and referrals to community services, adult education, preschool care and after-school care.
Waddell Elementary School, Manchester
Outdoor/Indoor Playgroups
Wednesdays 10 – 11 a.m.
To register:
This program offers supportive services to teen parents, their partners and at-risk youth in the Manchester school system to ensure that they graduate from high school while developing successful parenting skills. STEPP provides one-on-one coaching, mentoring, case management, home visitation, workshops and group peer sessions. STEPP provides in-person home visits, playgroups, teen workshops (basic money skills and self-love), connection to resources and family engagement opportunities.
For more information and/or to enroll: